10 Hiring Best Practices To Strengthen Your Moving Company

Don’t Let Your Weakest Link Break Your Profits:
10 Hiring Best Practices To Strengthen Your Moving Company

A chain is only as good as its weakest link, as the saying goes. And a company is only as good as its employees. In fact, your ultimate success or failure could depend on the quality of your staff. But as you know, hiring the right employees can be a real challenge. Getting it wrong with employees can be expensive and time consuming. On the other hand, getting it right pays you back many times over in employee productivity, a successful employment relationship, more satisfied customers, and a positive impact on your bottom line. Creating a company that has a strong, unbreakable chain of employees is key to making this happen.

Here are 10 hiring best practices to help you make sure you’re attracting the most qualified applicants.


Define the job before hiring

    Before you begin the hiring process, make sure you have complete information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, expectations, and work environment of the job you’re trying to fill. This information is fundamental to developing effective job descriptions.

2. Develop strong job descriptions
Your job descriptions will determine both who applies and what types of people are targeted.
In addition to a summary of the position, your job descriptions should contain detailed bullet points describing the job’s main tasks, minimum education and experience requirements, and behavioral characteristics you’re looking for.

3. Use a checklist
Having a standard checklist for hiring an employee will help you systematize the process, keep your recruiting efforts on track, and communicate progress to interested employees and the hiring manager.

4. Review credentials and applications carefully
The work of reviewing resumes, cover letters, job applications, and job application letters starts with your well-written job description. Carefully screen all applicants against this list of skills, experience, qualifications, and characteristics.

5. Conduct pre-screening interviews
Try conducting telephone interviews to prescreen job applicants. This is a good way to assess whether an individual is genuinely interested in the type of work you have available, or if it’s just something to pay the bills. It’s also a quick and convenient way to identify and eliminate applicants who would have a difficult time meeting job requirements.

6. Ask the right job interview questions
Your job interview questions are critical in helping you separate desirable candidates from average ones. Ask candidates how they might react in certain work-related situations. Listen and observe how they construct their thoughts in response to your questions, and evaluate their manners of presentation.

7. Keep it legal
Be diligent about complying with all civil rights laws that protect employees from discrimination in the hiring process based on race, age, gender, national origin, disability, and other factors. Failure to do so could mean costly litigation.

8. Check backgrounds and references
Thorough background checks are one of the most important aspects of hiring. You need to verify that the applicant actually possesses all of the credentials, skills and experience they claim to have. Background checks should include work references, educational credentials, and criminal history. Failure to take this critical step could leave you liable for your employees’ actions on the job.

9. Use effective employment letters
Have well written standard employment letters for rejecting unqualified candidates, making job offers, and welcoming new hires.

10. Inform and encourage
Be sure your new hires are aware of all company policies like your dress code, computer use restrictions, and compliance procedures. And don’t forget to emphasize the opportunities for the employee to grow with your company.

Every stage of the hiring process is crucial, and companies that do the best job of hiring have better retention rates and spend less on turnover than other companies. Having an effective hiring system in place can assure that you attract employees that are truly a good fit for your organization. And that’s just smart business.

P.S. Along with great hiring practices, don’t neglect your moving company insurance needs. A great coverage to consider is full value protection insurance. It covers your customers’ goods and protects your moving company. To learn more, download our “Get Started Kit’ now or contact one of our moving company insurance experts to answer any questions you may have about the benefits of full value protection insurance.