Celebrating the Big 10 – Then and Now

Celebrating the Big 10 – Then and Now

2004 was an action-packed year. In addition to the founding of Relocation Insurance Group, a few other events made headlines!

  1. Facebook was launched.
  2. The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics discovered the universe’s largest known diamond, white dwarf star BPM 37093.
  3. Janet Jackson flashed America in the infamous wardrobe malfunction at Super Bowl XXXVIII.
  4. Oldsmobile built its final car ending 107 years of production.
  5. Ronald Reagan died on June 5 at the age of 93.
  6. President Bush was reelected.
  7. Shrek 2 and Spider-Man 2 hit theatres.
  8. The Statue of Liberty reopened.
  9. Usher’s “Yeah” was the number one song in the Billboard Top 100.
  10. Emma and Jacob were the most popular baby names.