Five Tips to Resolve Moving Company Insurance Complaints

Five Tips to Resolve Moving Company Insurance Complaints

They say one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch, and there’s a lot of truth to that when it comes to the reputation
of moving companies and how they respond to damage complaints. Unscrupulous operators and scams abound, making
things tougher for the good guys.

These days, if customers have a moving company complaint they don’t feel is adequately addressed, there’s a good
chance they’ll turn to social media and other outlets to vent their frustrations. Those negative comments can
snowball into angry discussion threads and can do a lot of damage to your moving company’s image and reputation.

Given the speed and reach of social media today, you need a proactive strategy for dealing with moving company
complaints quickly, efficiently and professionally.

Below are five tips to help moving companies respond to customer complaints:

  1. Set clear expectations.With new Full Value Protection regulations, your customer communication and notification requirements have changed. If you’re not clearly communicating moving company insurance options, including full value protection, from the start, satisfaction can plummet.
  2. Respond quickly to phone and email complaints.Unhappy moving company customers are much less likely to post negative complaints online when they know they can immediately reach you by email, phone, or a feedback form on your website 24 hours a day. If you personally resolve complaints quickly, they usually don’t make it to the Internet.
  3. Be smart about your online posts.When a moving company customer posts a complaint online, it’s maddening – particularly if the complaint is unwarranted. However, it’s important to take a breath and think about your reply. If the complaint has been posted to a group or forum, it may be quickly buried under other posts. When you reply, it brings your post back to the top, increasing readership. It’s best to avoid any long debates in a public forum.
  4. Take the high road, and then take it offline.When a disgruntled customer posts a moving company insurance complaint online, empathize with his or her dissatisfaction, even if you’re not in the wrong. State your customer satisfaction policy and tell the customer you will contact her offline right away to resolve the issue. This presents a positive public face, may disarm the customer, and avoids a long public debate about your services.
  5. Don’t argue online. Digital arguments with customers who post negative comments are a losing battle. You’ll never really “win” an argument with a customer anyway. If you lose, you lose directly; if you win, you still lose by losing the customer and other empathetic readers.

Moving is a stressful life event, and despite the best intentions, and the most well-trained employees, mistakes will occur and customers’ household goods will be damaged. However, this doesn’t have to be a negative situation or the end of a good relationship.

Those who have had their moving company insurance complaints positively resolved often become customers for life and enthusiastic referrers.

To manage moving company client satisfaction and reputation, set clear expectations up front, respond to complaints quickly and be smart about how you communicate online. With an purposeful strategy, you can resolve issues quickly, and protect your moving company’s reputation.

Want another idea to increase customer satisfaction?

Consider full value protection insurance. It covers your customers’ goods and protects your moving company. To learn more, download our “Get Started Kit” now. And for ongoing tips about moving company best practices, make sure to subscribe to our blog