Moving Companies: Upgrade your Facebook Page in Five Simple Steps

Moving Companies: Upgrade your Facebook Page in Five Simple Steps

Many of you already have a Facebook page, but you using it to engage consumers? Use the following Facebook tips to build your online community and in turn, to generate more traffic and leads for your moving company.

1. Brand your Page
Your Facebook page should look very similar to your website to ensure consistency, making sure to include your logo and a creative, engaging cover photo. A customer should be able to take a quick look at the top of your Facebook page, know that you are a moving company and want to scroll down the page to learn more. An example photo could be a happy family moving with your company truck with a positive quote next to it. In the “About” section, write a short description and remember to include your website URL! Make it as easy as possible for a person to access more information.

2. Increase your “Likes”
Advertise that you have a Facebook page anywhere that you can. Place a Facebook icon on your website that directly links to your Facebook page. Print it on marketing and informational materials and don’t be afraid to ask customers to “like” your page. Advertise a giveaway for people who “like” your page to increase supporters.

3. Post Content Frequently
Make your Facebook page active and engaging by posting around two to five times per week. Create a variety of posts; some examples include your weekly blog, a packing tip of the week, photos of people moving using your company, quotes from customers, and relevant news articles that pertain to the moving business. Interact with supporters by asking questions or creating a poll such as “What’s your biggest moving frustration?”

4. Go Behind the Scenes
Show people a little of the behind-the-scenes action of your business to let potential customers know that you are human. This could include a photo of coworkers dressed up for Halloween, the president of your company volunteering at an event or even a photo of the office decorated for the holidays. Images work extremely well to showcase the personality of your company. Be careful about posting too many sales pitches. Balance self-promotional and informational posts in a 1:3 ratio to engage consumers.

5. Thank your Supporters
Let your supporters know how thankful you are for them. Offer deals or discounts for people who “like” your page. Raffle off prizes for Facebook “likers” around the holidays. Even creating a simple image that says thank you and posting it on your Facebook page, you can show just how important those supporters are to you and your business. Remember, these are the people who will generate positive, word-of-mouth marketing to increase your business.

In Summary
Encouraging supporters to interact on your Facebook page can open up more marketing opportunities. Use these five simple steps to turn your Facebook page into a creative, beneficial marketing tool for your moving company.

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