Moving Company Insurance Issues: Should You Drug Test Drivers or Everyone?

Moving Company Insurance Issues:  Should You Drug Test Drivers or Everyone?

The Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 requires employers to set forth drug and/or alcohol testing requirements for employees who operate commercial vehicles. The intent of the act is to increase transportation safety by mandating such testing for those in safety-sensitive positions.

Still, the subject of drug testing at moving companies can be uncomfortable – particularly if you choose to test all employees – not just drivers. Below, you’ll information to help you make sound drug testing decisions at your company.

The Facts

According to the Department of Labor, most drug users are employed, and between 10 and 20 percent of the nation’s workers who die on the job test positive for alcohol or other drugs. The industries with the highest risk for workplace injuries also have been found to have the highest incidence of drug use. According to the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI), at least 50 percent of workplace accidents are related to substance abuse.

Workplace substance abuse also increases crime in the workplace: violence, inventory shrinkage, and fraudulent medical claims. And increased health care costs, absenteeism, and decreased productivity due to alcohol and other substance abuse only further erode your profits.

Other Considerations

How many of your employees have access to financial records, company ideas, product plans, client assets and other confidential information? Mistakes made by employees who are impaired can have far-reaching consequences. Customer loyalty, workforce welfare, corporate reputation and moving company insurance costs are all on the line.

Ultimately, you have to decide whether drug testing will work for your business. While business owners have a right to randomly test their workers, others feel it’s unnecessary if they hire the right employees to begin with. If you’re considering implementing a drug testing program for all employees, here are some pros and cons to consider…


Increased safety and reduces accidents. Moving company employees who abuse drugs pose a very real safety risk in the workplace and are more likely to be involved in workplace accidents. Drug testing can make your work environment safer and more productive by reducing drug related accidents.

Enhanced productivity and morale. Knowing that the workplace is a safe environment helps all of your employees feel more secure about their welfare, and that means greater productivity and added value for your business.

Competitive advantage. Some consumers feel more comfortable working with moving companies who drug test all employees.

Loss prevention. Property and casualty premiums are high for moving company insurance. If drug testing prevents even one potential claim, the program will likely pay for itself.


Resentment and disputes. Many employees resent any random drug testing, feeling it’s discriminatory and violates their right to privacy. Some may even threaten to sue, and even if they lose, you’re still out the legal costs to fight it.

High costs. A random drug testing program can cost thousands, with no guarantee of any positive results.

The bottom line: You have a serious responsibility to maintain a safe work environment for your employees and safe services for your customers. Drug testing everyone may be a good way to help achieve those goals. What are your thoughts?

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