Moving Company Insurance Tip: Achieve Greater Transparency in Three Steps

Moving Company Insurance Tip: Achieve Greater Transparency in Three Steps

Information is at our clients’ fingertips, through smartphones, laptops and tablets. Now, more than ever, it’s important that a moving company’s online presence aligns with its offline practices, or it’s only a matter of time until discrepancies show up in online customer reviews.

The movement toward consumer self-education and self-service has created greater demand for business transparency. Transparency means operating in a way that is open, accountable and easy to verify.

How can your moving company achieve greater transparency? Use the following three tips to increase transparency, present accurate information and multiply customers.

1.  Write direct and clear moving company website content.

There are a few pieces of information that should be included on your website and your social media pages:

*What you do, why you do it and how you do it differently.
*The cost of your services and payment terms and conditions – including coverage of customer goods and moving insurance.
*Your work experience that is relevant to the business.

Customers go to websites to research options. If the option of working with you is easiest to understand, you will likely win the business. In all industries, companies used to avoid displaying rates online but that is starting to change. Today, consumers want to self-educate without placing a phone call. In many cases, the company that includes rates, earns the  business.

2.  Embrace social media.

According to Pew Internet research, 67 percent of online users engage with social networking sites. Social media isn’t just for young people. In fact, 77 percent of people aged 30-49 use social media.

Social media can:

*Increase the visibility of your moving business.
*Allows customers to interact with your company.
*Depict a personal, friendly side of the company.

Establish a Linked company page, a Twitter account and Facebook page for your moving company and invest a couple of hours per week to be active.

3.  Be human.

This may sound easy enough, but the Internet can create a cold barrier between people. Allow the personality of your company and your team to shine through.

*Facilitate customer reviews and comments.
*Look for opportunities to turn negatives into positives.
*Provide opinions about industry trends.
*Share success stories.
*Welcome new employees or clients.
*Congratulate business associates.
*Admit mistakes and tell clients how you’re improving based on their feedback.

In Mediacom’s February 2012 white paper, “Rise of the Empowered Consumer,” Tiffany Bissey, Dell’s Head of Global Digital and Emerging Media, sums up the modern customer experience perfectly, “The customer journey has changed. You’re not relying on advertisements purely [anymore]; now you’re looking at ratings and reviews, talking to friends and peers in the real physical world, looking online and on Facebook, and asking about opinions.”

Take the necessary steps to improve your online transparency today and receive five-star moving customer reviews online tomorrow.

One way to deliver a more satisfying customer experience is with clear moving insurance communication, and by offering full value protection. If you haven’t already done so, sign up for Full Value Protection Insurance today!