Moving Company Insurance Tip: Eight Ways to Hire the Best

Moving Company Insurance Tip: Eight Ways to Hire the Best  

Behind every successful moving company, you’ll find a team of smart, motivated “A” players. Everyone knows that great people drive great business. What is less obvious is how to find those great people!

In the moving business, high turnover is a common challenge. And as you know, constantly hiring can drain your resources and your time. To help you sail over this hiring hurdle, we’ve included a list of recruiting best practices below.

1.  Hone in on the position description: Write down the exact details of the position and the qualifications needed to determine what type of person you are looking for. Past performance is a good indicator of future performance, so model the qualifications after those of your top-performing employees.

2.  Use a short phone interview to prescreen: Formulate five phone interview questions to help you screen candidates before they arrive for the interview. This is a huge time-saver!

3.  Ask pertinent questions in the interview: Interview prospective candidates using a list of pre-planned questions that probe into skills and character. Being able to get along with the team and work well with others are just as important as past experience and abilities. In fact, many hiring experts believe character is a more important success predictor than past experience.

4.  Include a daily task in the interview: Simulate a day-to-day duty during the interview to see how well the candidate performs. The hiring manager can see if the person follows direction, asks questions and is willing to learn – all traits of excellent employees.

5.  Include team members: Involve members of your moving company’s team in the interview process, especially the employees you trust. It’s always beneficial to have a second opinion on someone who may be joining the company.

6.  Follow up with background checks: Inform the prospect that a background check will be conducted according to the information given on the application. This can determine the honesty and integrity of the candidate. If the background check returns with any warning signs, be sure to evaluate the whole picture. For example, a past crime doesn’t necessarily mean the person is unemployable.

7.  Be honest with candidates: Be straightforward with candidates who are not qualified, thank them for their time and welcome them to apply in the future once they have established more work experience. If you hire a person who has positive qualities but may need to learn certain skills once the position begins, be truthful of this fact when offering the position.

8.  Offer referral incentives: Current employees who are reliable and trustworthy can refer some of the best candidates. Consider offering a cash incentive if the referral results in a successful hire who stays for a least six months. This can encourage employees to recruit their top-performing friends and acquaintances.

While hiring can seem like a hassle, it’s one of the most important activities your moving company can undertake. Employees are the lifeblood of any business and the biggest driver of good and bad reviews. By following these hiring best practices, you can take your talent to the next level.

By the way, the busy season is here! Are you adequately prepared with FVP insurance?