Moving Company Insurance Tip: Five Traits of Great Moving Company Leaders

Moving Company Insurance Tip: Five Traits of Great Moving Company Leaders

Great leaders propel their moving companies to the top, surpassing competitors. However, simply being a boss doesn’t necessarily make a leader; it takes certain aptitude to guide and inspire others. Fortunately, these traits can be learned, applied and continuously improved.

How do great leaders stand apart from the rest?
Below are five key traits of outstanding moving company leaders.

1. Inspirational Style: Great leaders are usually personable, with the ability to converse with employees at all levels. They demonstrate confidence in their employees and encourage critical thinking and teamwork. And as stressful events often occur within a moving company, a great leader stays calm, keeps a positive attitude and quickly implements a proactive plan. As the popular saying goes, lead by example.

2. Remarkable Self Discipline:  Great leaders have a great deal of self-discipline, which is exactly how they make it to the top. They use their time purposefully; align their actions with company goals; and make every minute of the day count. Great leaders never lose sight of competitive differentiating factors. They invest time and dollars into activities that will impact sales and profit, and guide their employees to do the same.

3. Forward Thinking: Consistently keeping the moving company’s future in mind, a great leader continuously strives to build a “better mousetrap” with more efficient communication, customer service, automation and differentiation. A great leader is never satisfied with status quo, continuously challenging the team to reach farther.

4. Open Communication and Delegation: A leader establishes open communication in the workplace, promoting honesty and ethical manners as imperative company behavior. Smart leaders also trust their employees to take on responsibilities and actively work to build their talent. By delegating tasks, a leader reveals confidence in the people who have been hired, capitalizes on employees’ skills and promotes a productive, hard-working crew. A great leader speaks of the business as our company as opposed to my company.

5. Risk Awareness: Great leaders know the risks involved with every venture and proceed intelligently. They are willing to take calculated risks to advance the corporate position. However, they also actively control, transfer and prevent costly risks that needlessly deplete profit by cultivating safe work practices and by securely the best moving company insurance.

How do you rate in these five categories?

Take a moment to reflect on your performance in these five categories. Whether you are already a moving company leader, or you’re aspiring to make it to the top, it’s important to start cultivating your leadership attributes sooner than later. If you practice great leadership every day, your personal value, inspirational value and company performance will skyrocket.

PS – To assist with category #5 Risk Awareness, we offer Full Value Protection (FVP) Insurance. FVP Insurance insures your company and your customers’ goods. If you haven’t already done so, get it before the busy season