Moving Company Insurance Tip: Four Productivity and Morale Boosters for your Team

Moving Company Insurance Tip: Four Productivity and Morale Boosters for your Team

All entrepreneurs know that business is only as productive and progressive as its employees. Competitive wages and benefits are not the only factors that keep employees inspired and working hard – they are also motivated by the feeling of being valued. Fortunately, it’s easy to make team members feel appreciated without a lot of added expense or extravagance.

Consider these four productivity and morale-boosting ideas for your moving company team:  

1.  Give employees a voice.

Hold a short, weekly team meeting that reviews the last week’s accomplishments. During the meeting, ask each team member to briefly state what he or she has accomplished during the last week. An article – “What have you accomplished this week?” – from demonstrates how this achieves several outcomes:

*Boosts morale and increase productivity because the whole team becomes aware of individuals’ contributions to the company’s success
*Encourages employees who are shy to speak up
*Opens up the opportunity to applaud top performers while motivating others

2.  Provide prioritization training.

Every employee has his or her own method to organizing tasks, but it’s still a good idea to share productivity boosters. A Standard-Examiner article offers these strategies to increase productivity:

*Create a running task list, incorporating the most important assignments at the top
*Set task deadlines – from 1 hour to three days or end of the week – to increase urgency and likelihood of completion.

3.  Offer a local loyalty program.

Forbes recommends implementing a loyalty program with local restaurants. Restaurants and small businesses near the office receive a good amount of business from your team. Ask these companies to provide a small discount or special and let them know you’ll communicate the offers to your employees.

4.  Schedule fun, social time.

When employees have time to socialize, they get to know each other better, which often increases mutual respect and collaboration. A Huffington Post article offers nine ways to boost morale with fun techniques, including friendly competitions and free food.

We all know that happy employees create productive workplaces. Is your moving company as happy and productive as it could be? Test-drive the ideas above and see if you can enhance your team’s morale.

And to enhance the revenue-generating potential of your business, contact us for more information about FVP Insurance as well as our Pay-Per-Lead for Movers program.