Moving Company Insurance Tip: Go to the Top with Smart SEO Strategies

Moving Company Insurance Tip: Go to the Top with Smart SEO Strategies

Is your moving company appearing on the second and third pages of Internet searches? It can be frustrating to know that your moving company is hidden from potential customers. Fortunately a low search ranking is a problem that can be solved. Although search engine optimization (SEO) sounds daunting, there are easy steps you can take to improve results.

Follow these basic steps to help move your moving company to the first page:

STEP 1: Determine the best keyword phrases to target.
If your company doesn’t have SEO software, you can use Google’s free keyword tool at to research the best keyword targets for your business. Start typing in different phrases to view the search volume and competition levels for each.

*Find keyword phrases that have at least 100 local searches every month with medium to low search volume. If the keyword phrase is broad and brings up high competition, it will be harder to achieve first page ranking.

*Try adding your moving company’s locale, such as “Baton Rouge moving company” or “tri-state area movers” to narrow the field. After all, you don’t need to rank on the first page for entire country if you only offer services in New Orleans.

STEP 2: Integrate the best keyword phrases into your website.
Your website should include keyword phrases in two areas:

1.  On-screen content: this is the front-end, viewable part of your moving company website. Target one or two keyword phrases on each website page.

*Headlines: Place one keyword into the headline and use the H1 tag.

*Page Copy: Use the targeted keyword phrases three or four times throughout the website page body copy.

*Links: Link your keyword phrases to other related pages of your website.

2.  Off-screen copy: this is the behind-the-scenes content. Use keyword phrases in these areas:

*Page titles: Include your targeted keyword phrase in the page title, being cognizant of character limits. Many moving companies make the mistake of using “functional” page titles such as “Smith Moving | Services” and “Smith Moving | About.” It’s more effective to use keyword phrases such as “New York Moving Company | Interstate Moves.” Make sure every page of your website has a different page title.

*Meta-tag description: This is the short paragraph that displays in search results. Make sure to incorporate your targeted keyword phrases in a way that entices readers to click through.

*Meta-keywords: Use five to eight keyword phrases.

*Images: Add an alt-tag to every image on your website. The alt-tag should be a targeted keyword phrase.

While you incorporate keywords into on-screen copy, be sure to use a natural writing pattern and avoid excessive repetition. Remember that keyword strategies can help bring visitors to your website but they won’t guarantee the contract. To convert visitors into leads, website content must also be informative, persuasive and easy to understand.

Also, keep in mind that quality incoming links is a very important factor that influences how search engines rank your company. The search engines believe that if other quality, relevant websites link to your moving company website, it must be important. To increase your website’s incoming links, sign your company up with every relevant online directory you can find and seek out opportunities to receive links from other highly ranked and relevant websites.

Investing SEO time into your website now can benefit your moving company far into the future.

Searching for more ways to generate income and stand out from the competition? Consider our all new and free Pay-Per-Lead for Movers Program exclusively for our moving company affiliates.

Also, if you haven’t already done so, sign up for FVP insurance before the busy season hits!