Moving company insurance tip: Grow your business with customer satisfaction surveys

Moving company insurance tip:

Grow your business with customer satisfaction surveys

It’s no secret – satisfied moving company customers bring in more customers by spreading the word about their good experiences. And, of course, they can also drive customers away by sharing bad experiences.

Do you know what people are saying about YOUR moving company’s customer service?

If you want to turn prospects into buying customers and customers into raving fans, you need your finger on the pulse of customer satisfaction. And one proven method for achieving that is through customer satisfaction surveys.

Customer satisfaction surveys can help you determine exactly what your customers like and dislike about doing business with you, and they make a great benchmark for knowing where you need to improve. What do customers think about your moving services? Are they satisfied with the way you handle their valuables? Is there anything about your customer service that they find irritating?

Customer satisfaction surveys can answer these questions and open up a new world of opportunities for getting to know your customers better. And the better you know your customers, the better you can improve their overall experience.

Below are some tips for getting the most from your customer satisfaction surveys.

Gain two levels of insight

You need to find out what your customers think of your moving company on two levels. On a broader level, you need to ask questions such as:

  • What is your overall satisfaction with our company?
  • How likely or unlikely are you to hire us again?
  • How likely or unlikely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?

You also need to dig deeper if you really want to see the world from your customers’ point of view and understand what’s important to them. You want to find out how your customers feel about a host of specific issues.

  • Your reputation
  • Ease of doing business with you
  • Pricing
  • Delivery time and speed
  • Courtesy and competency of your sales staff
  • Complaint handling procedures
  • Moving insurance process
  • Value for the money

Ask specific questions

When you ask open-ended or vague questions, customers will often respond with anecdotes and terminology such as “satisfied” or “very dissatisfied” that provide no actionable information. Craft your questions according to what specific information you want the survey to reveal. For example:

  • What factors influenced your decision to choose our moving company?
  • How would you describe the service you received from our company and staff?
  • How do you rate our team in the areas of appearance, professionalism, and dependability?
  • Was care taken in packing, moving and unpacking your belongings?
  • What could we do better?

Take action

It won’t do much good to get your customers’ opinions if you don’t act on that valuable information. Take time to review and tally every response. Then be responsive to the feedback and make improvements wherever you can. Retrain your moving company staff in customer service if necessary and announce the improvements you make.

Conduct regular surveys

A customer satisfaction survey is like a snapshot in time. And since consumers’ views are continuously changing, measuring your customers’ satisfaction must be a continuous and ongoing process. Aim for at least twice a year.

Get closer to your customers this year by putting customer satisfaction surveys to work in your moving company. It’ll help you increase customer retention, and generate referrals from satisfied customers. And that’s a recipe for a happy new year!

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