Moving Company Insurance Tip: How to Rev-Up Business with Referral-Generation Strategies

Moving Company Insurance Tip:  How to Rev-Up Business with Referral-Generation Strategies

How did you hear about the best restaurant in town? How do you know which auto shop is the most honest and trustworthy? How did you connect with your realtor or loan officer?

If you relied on a tip from a friend, family member or acquaintance, you understand the value of a personal referral. The opinion of an acquaintance is immensely powerful, and much more credible than advertisements and commercials. And the best part about personal referrals is that they don’t cost an extra dime!

Referrals are essential to the moving company business. One positive moving experience with a client can bring in customers for years to come. Positive experience is the byproduct of high quality work, exceptional customer service and strong communication.

Use the following moving company tips to strengthen your referral opportunities:  

Respond to customers as soon as possible: It confirms that you care for customers and value their time. Potential customers want to know that if they pay for your services, they are getting everything they deserve. Answer questions immediately and accurately to demonstrate your expertise.

Accept customers’ suggestions: Listen to what customers say. Be open to their comments and criticisms; it may help you run the company more efficiently! Share the improvements you make based on customer feedback. It lets customers know your company is constantly improving services and systems.

Ask customers to refer your company: It never hurts to ask. If the transport went smoothly without any mishaps, it is safe to say the customer had a positive experience and would be willingly to share. Provide a few business card or fliers that the customer can pass on. And if the move didn’t go as planned, reach out to the customer and see what else your company can do to mend the relationship. Make follow-up calls to ensure your client feels valued from start to finish.

Provide an incentive for customer referrals: Offer a gift card, discount or other incentive when a referral results in new business. This is an excellent technique to spread word-of-mouth advertising … if your company has the resources. However, most customers who receive exceptional customer service before, during and after the move, will be ready to share their experience, regardless of the incentive.

By providing outstanding customer service and regularly asking for referrals, you can strengthen word-of-mouth advertising.

Providing outstanding service often includes full value protection. Moving season is quickly approaching, so if you haven’t already done so, sign up now for full value protection insurance today! It’s a win-win for you and your clients.