Moving Company Insurance Tip: Protect Employees from Back Injuries

Moving Company Insurance Tip: Protect Employees from Back Injuries

The average cost of a low-back associated workers’ compensation claim is nearly $8,500 – double the amount of average injury claims, according to the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA). And the U.S. Bureau of Labor has calculated that almost 20 percent of persons with back injuries miss more than 31 days of work. These added costs can greatly affect a moving company’s bottom line during moving season.

Therefore, it’s vital that moving companies train employees to use safe lifting techniques. With this in mind, here’s a quick refresher on the three key lift postures recommended by physical therapists, according to

1.  The squat lift

When preparing to lift a heavy object, the goal is to get your body as close as possible. Spread your legs shoulder width apart near item, squat down and wrap arms around the box and stand up, using only leg strength. Imagine all the weight streaming through your legs and pinning your feet to the ground; this avoids using back muscles for leverage.

2.  The golfer’s lift

Bending improperly to pick up a small item can even have consequences. When reaching for a lightweight object, place all weight in one leg. Use opposite hand to steady yourself by holding on to a nearby chair, table or back of couch. Bend directly from the hips, even letting the leg that is not holding the weight come off the ground as the object is lifted.

3.  The crane lift

Use the crane lift for heavy objects that are mid-level, such as a box that is sitting on a desk or a baby in a crib. Getting as close to the object as possible, place legs shoulder width apart, bend from the hips and grab item. Make sure to keep the item as close to your body while lifting for more stability.

In addition, below are a few more tips to help your employees avoid injury:

  • *Encourage movers to work together and assist each other when lifting heavy items.
  • *Advise movers to avoid twisting while lifting or carrying heavy objects.
  • *Teach employees to avoid off-balance or awkward lifts.
  • *Beware of work environments that require excessive stooping or bending.
  • *Encourage employees to know their limits to avoid on the job injuries.

Safe work practices protect your team and your bottom line! With ergonomic ingenuity, education and training and enforcement of safe work policies, you can control workplace accidents and drive down insurance costs.

By the way, the busy season is here! Are you adequately prepared with FVP insurance?