Moving Company Insurance Tip: Twitter and Facebook Advertising Update

Moving Company Insurance Tip: Twitter and Facebook Advertising Update

Twitter and Facebook are essential marketing tools for your moving company. Millions of people use social media every day, not only to connect with friends and family, but also to compare and size up businesses. You’ve probably already used these venues for social interactions, but have you ever used them for advertising? Read on to discover more about your social advertising options.

Twitter Advertising

On April 30, Twitter announced advertising opportunities through a new self-service platform. Now, small businesses with small budgets can take advantage of advertising opportunities through three types of Twitter advertising:

1.  Promote your Twitter account to get more followers.

Showcase the name of your moving company by bidding to be shown first on the “Who’s to Follow” tab on Twitter. This advertisement works well when the company brand – name and logo – are widely known. It reminds people that you are active on Twitter.

2.  Promote specific tweets to get more exposure and clicks.

Expand your reach by bidding to promote specific tweets. This is beneficial to attract Twitter users who may be looking for a moving company and verbalizing this idea on Twitter. Before promoting a tweet, be sure to include a short, eye-catching descriptor, a link to more information and hashtag phrases to expand reach.

3.  Promote trends to spark buzz and conversation.

You can also advertise a specific hashtag, also known as a trend, to encourage Twitter users to engage in conversation and use the promoted phrase. Moving company examples could be #SummerMoving, #MoveDuringSummer, #StressFreeMoving, #ReliableMovers, etc.

Interested in learning more?  Log in to your Twitter account, click the “Settings” gear and then click “Twitter Ads.”

Facebook Advertising

According to Facebook, “People who like your Page will spend an average of two times more than people who aren’t connected to you on Facebook.” As a moving company, Facebook can be an important tool in gaining more customers and demonstrating a large following of satisfied clients. You can advertise on Facebook in the following ways:

  • Design and display an ad, including target audience specifics of location, age and gender, to attract more people to your active and engaging Facebook Page.
  • Promote a post that has been updated on your Page, extending reach and placement in the news feed.
  • Endorse an event that your moving company is participating in to a targeted audience to increase attendance.

Facebook allows your moving company to set an advertising budget, coordinate a schedule and even test multiple ads to determine the ROI of a certain message.

Now that you have your social media covered, learn more about how our insurance can provide coverage for your moving company…call us today! And, if you haven’t already done so, cover your customers’ goods and insure your moving company with smart, strategic full value protection insurance. This is essential protection for the busy season!