Transportation Risk Management: Three New Developments

transportation-risk-managementFrom natural disasters to technological advancements, new developments are changing the face of transportation safety. To protect both your employees and your bottom line, learn more about the changes—both beneficial and detrimental—affecting transportation today.

Worsening Weather

An increase in extreme weather events can cause problems for transportation safety.

The Actuaries Climate Index monitors extreme weather in the United States and Canada, including temperature, fire, drought, rainfall, wind and sea level.  Insurance Journal reports that, based on the data collected, extreme weather over the last five years occurred three times more often than normal.

The National Climate Assessment confirms an increase in extreme weather. In the United States, heat waves and droughts have worsened. Heavy downpours have become more common, especially in the Northeast, Midwest and Great Plains regions. Hurricane activity in the Atlantic has increased in recent decades. Winter storms have also increased in both intensity and frequency.

The transportation industry will need to keep abreast of changes in weather patterns. Storms must be monitored to prevent disaster, and employees must be trained to deal with severe storms.

New Distractions

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 71 percent of large-truck crashes happened when the driver was distracted—and that was in 2009. With a rise in mobile devices, distracted driving is growing concern.

It’s a problem with deadly consequences. In 2015, 35,092 people died in traffic accidents in the United States, a 7.2 increase since 2014. Although many factors are involved, distracted driving—which plays a part in 10 percent of crashes—is thought to be contributing to the increase. This problem affects everyone on the road, from teenagers who recently obtained their licenses to experienced truckers.

Other transportation professionals are not immune, either. Several incidents have prompted the National Transportation Safety Board to warn pilots of the dangers of distracted flying.

Improved Monitoring

Technology can be an enemy of safety, but it can also be a friend.

Devices that record driver behavior and analyze the video can help identify and prevent dangerous habits. Work Track Magazine told the story of one transportation company’s successful adoption of DriveCam here.

Monitoring drivers in this way may provide several benefits. One, drivers may be less likely to engage in dangerous behaviors—such as texting behind the wheel—if they know they’re being monitored. Second, the data collected may be used to create actionable connections between specific habits and collisions.

As always, Relocation Insurance is here to help your transportation company succeed with smart logistics and cargo insurance, trade credit insurance and a full suite of business insurance products. Let us know how we can help!