Moving Companies – Are You Making These Moving Insurance Mistakes?

moving insurance mistakes

Your moving company needs to protect its reputation while earning revenue. Your moving customers need protection for their belongings. Selling moving insurance should be a slam-dunk strategy for any moving company. If you’re not seeing the benefits you should be, you may be making one or more of the following moving insurance mistakes.

1. Not Adding Moving Insurance to Your Website

These days, an internet presence is essential, and that goes for your moving company’s offerings, too. When your customers want to learn more about your company, they’ll probably go online to check out your website. If they don’t find anything about moving insurance there, they may not realize it’s available or that it provides important protection. To avoid this oversight, you can add a webpage about moving insurance and display it prominently.

2. Not Including Moving Insurance in Your Intake Process

When you rent a car, you’re offered rental car insurance as a routine part of the process. Something similar should happen when anyone books a move. If your intake process doesn’t include an offer of moving insurance, your workers probably aren’t offering it, and your customers probably aren’t buying it. This can leave your customers exposed to overcovered losses, and your company exposed to the negative reviews that can result.

To fix this oversight, systemization is critical. Moving insurance needs to be built into the intake process, not just tacked on as an afterthought.

3. Not Using This Feature on Your Moving Software

RIG moving insurance options have now been integrated with SmartMoving software, making it even easier for moving companies to effortlessly facilitate moving insurance quotes. Soon, this feature will be available with other moving software programs as well.

4. Not Taking Advantage of RIG’s Free Sales Team

Your team knows all about the moving process, but moving insurance may be another matter. Questions can arise about coverage and requirements, and your workers may not be able to handle everything themselves. RIG can help. We offer a team of licensed Insurance Consultants that your customers can speak with at no cost or obligation. If you’re not using this free resource, you’re making things harder than they have to be.

5. Not Following the Packing Guidelines

Although insurance can make moving customers whole after a loss, prevention is still best. Proper packing can help your company avoid damage, and it may be required for insurance coverage.

To help your company avoid damage, we offer packing guidelines. This packing tip sheet highlights some of the key points.

6. Not Educating Your Customers About Their Options

Most of your moving customers aren’t insurance experts. They may not know the difference between valuation and insurance, much less the difference between total loss, named perils, and all-risk moving insurance. Unfortunately, what they don’t know might hurt them if their belongings are destroyed or lost and they find out they don’t have coverage.

You can help your customers protect their belongings by educating them about their moving insurance options. This involves more than simply asking customers if they want to buy coverage. Some people might say no simply because they hadn’t thought about it and don’t understand why it’s important. True education involves a clear breakdown of their options. Thankfully, this is easy when you use the moving insurance consumer flier.

7. Not Educating Your Workers About the Importance of Coverage

Have you ever had a retail store worker tell you that the warranty they had to offer wasn’t worth the cost? When employees think that something is a rip off, they may offer it because they’re required to, but they probably won’t actually encourage customers to spend money on it.

Moving insurance is NOT a rip off. By educating your workers on the value of moving insurance, you can encourage them to recommend it to customers instead of just going through the motions.

8. Leaving Money on the Table

If you’re putting in the effort to offer moving insurance and educate your customers and workers on its value, shouldn’t you get something for it? We think so. That’s why we offer three ways for moving companies to generate revenue from moving insurance sales.

If you’re making any of these moving insurance mistakes, don’t worry. RIG can help you get your moving insurance program back on track so you can help your customers secure protection while bolstering your company’s reputation and bottom line. Learn more.