Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

The world never stops changing. To guide your moving company toward success in an ever-evolving environment, you need to be constantly improving. To do that, you need to cultivate a growth mindset. What Is a Growth Mindset? According to Harvard Business School, a...

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Overcome Housing Industry Inertia

Overcome Housing Industry Inertia

Home sales are down and might stay that way for a while. With fewer people moving, there’s less business for your moving company. To make it through this slump, moving companies need new strategies to overcome the housing industry inertia. The Housing Industry Slump...

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Motivate Your Team for the New Year

Motivate Your Team for the New Year

Winter is traditionally the slow season for moving companies, but that’s no reason to stagnate. The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to roll out bold plans and big goals to make it your best year ever. You’ll need to have your employees on board. Motivate...

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2023 U.S. Migration Trends

2023 U.S. Migration Trends

Home sales are down, but many people do want to move. Here’s a look at the factors impacting the 2023 U.S. migration trends. The Desire to Move The National Association of Realtors says existing home sales were down 16.6% year over year in July 2023. The drop appears...

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